Sunday, October 28, 2007

Quick Update

The meeting went great last week! I am so relieved and happy. We were all quite sleepy at work, and this week has been kind of ... "oh... that's right, I do that here, don't I? What was my job like before this meeting took over my life?..." But the meeting was a huge success. We were incredibly complimented for the excellent organization, and we just might have made a difference in the world because of it. A lot of barriers were broken down; people apparently talked about issues that have been taboo for the last 25 years. It feels good to know that I was part of fostering that kind of environment.

So that's been that. Halloween is coming up, and daN and i are working on our costumes this weekend. But also, we are going to play Boggle and go for a walk in the Fells! YAY!

In other news, last night I went to a bar to watch the Red Sox games (or the first five innings). I had utterly forgotten how much I like watching baseball.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I'm ALiVe...

Hey there -- just a note to my friends to let you know that i'm still alive and almost on the other end of my crazy time. I'm on call for work this weekend, and the big meeting that i mentioned in the last post is almost here -- tomorrow and the day after. I've been working 12+ hour days at work the last week (and don't forget the hour commute on either end), and I'll be working from 7am - 9pm the next two days. But it will all be worth it. This meeting is very exciting, and I'm proud to be a part of it, and I'm glad that it's about to happen. I'm exhausted! It takes a lot of time to plan meetings. I designed the programs, worked with a printer to get them done, tracked the speakers' itineraries and made hotel rooms and other travel arrangements along with itineraries for them, kept track of registration and waitlist manually, printed name badges for all of the attendees, poster presenters, and speakers...Oy vey.

Also, i had a WONDERFUL time at Mum's wedding. The best part was watching Mum drive up the hill in a tractor to the pulpit made of corn stalks, pumpkins, and hay bales. It was AWESOME. Mum and Rick both teared up while she was singing to him during the ceremony. It was a lovely wedding. Someday I'll have pictures of it available on my online photo album.

Last weekend, i had a blast with Patty, Kat, and Rebecca from the good old days of Hampshire College. Friday night, we rented a room at Do Re Mi Karaoke in Allston, and it was SO MUCH FUN. They have a great selection of songs to choose from -- and TONs of them. It's BYOB, and costs about as much as an evening of bowling would. I had a blast. The following day, we drove out to Northampton and Amherst to wander around Hampshire College reminiscing and play with the goats and drink fresh pressed apple cider. Revisiting Northampton's wonderful independent shops was also a lot of fun, and so was going to our favorite Japanese restaurant. Mmm.

The weekends were marred only by the fact that i hadn't been home in a while and officially ran myself ragged -- i got a full blown sinus infection sometime after getting back from Monhegan around October 2, and I suffered through it until i finally got some antibiotics a week and a half ago. Within 48 hours of going on them, i felt much better. It was my first time on antibiotics in three years (since my sinus surgery) and that's certainly a record for me.

It was funny -- I called my doctor's office from work and told them that I wanted my doctor to call me so I could talk to her about my sinus infection when she had a chance. The receptionist said, "she'll probably want you to come in -- they don't really like to prescribe things over the phone anymore. Do you want me to set up an appointment with you?"

"No," I said, "please have her call me back first."

"Alriiight," she responded, as if to say, "suit yourself."

She called me back about an hour later. "The doctor wants to know if amoxicillin is alright."

HA! That's right! Because you look back at my medical history, and 90% of it is sinus infections. I know it when i have it.

Anyway, that's all to say that this month has been really good but hard, made harder by being really sick for more than half of it, and made harder by the fact that I can't stand how dirty the bathroom is, etc. I have had a lot of fun, but I have also been really sick and am just starting to feel "normal" again. But I wouldn't have traded any of it for the world. How often do I get to go to Monhegan, see my mum get married, and reunite with old roommates at Hampshire Homecoming? So they all happened on the same month. Oh well. Oh yeah -- somewhere in there, i got a deep tissue massage because i really needed it.

Yesterday, I had the day off and was home for the first time in over a month, and i realized i had forgotten how to relax. That was troubling. It didn't take me long to figure it out again, though :)

Sorry this post is so scattered. There's been so much good stuff that i can't possibly contain all of it. The point is, i miss you guys and hope you're doing well. And pretty soon, i might even be able to see you.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Monhegan Island, 2007 -- Deep Release (aka, really long entry)

So. I hadn't realized how tense my shoulders were on a very deep level until this weekend. That's because they're still twitching in release. Yoga on Monhegan Island is something really special. At the risk of sounding woo-woo (and i am woo-woo, so deal with it), I connected with the earth during my yoga this time in a way that i maybe hadn't ever before, and when lying in savasana (the final resting pose) my shoulders just let loose -- and started twitching! And they still are when i let them relax. Which tells me two things:
1. I should go get some deep tissue massage as soon as possible. It's a little worrying that when I relax my shoulders instead of holding them in an icy lock, they convulse around l/seisurely.
2. There really is something about being in a truer nature with no electricity, no buzzing of electrical things like computers, machines in general, and the background level of excess light and sound. I obviously have a hard time relaxing in a city setting. That was pretty obvious when we returned yesterday after being in the car, and rather than being relieved to be home as usual, i felt.... stressed out about it. All this unnecessary stuff, all this noise, all this light, all the buzzing.

Even stranger is that my allergies have kicked back in now that I have returned home. Whether it's from stress, whether it's because the pollution down here has irritated them again, or whether it's percentage of decorative flowering trees (male semen plants spewing forth pollen with fewer female plants around to absorb it all) -- I am feeling downright sick again today. Did that happen when I was in the middle of a forest on an island in Maine? Nope. Fascinating.

But I'll get off my soapbox now. We all know that Hippy Lindsay is happier in Nature.
Monhegan is a special place at THAT.

Friday morning, the Bogs, Dave, daN, and I took the 10:00 boat out to Monhegan Island. The sea was choppy, and i actually got a little nausea for the first time on a boat ever simply because it was foggy and I couldn't see the horizon if i tried. We made it out there in good time, and shortly thereafter, the sun came out :) Just in time for us to get settled and go out for a sprint down to Lobster Cove, around the corner to one side to a shipwreck that is more rusty every time i see it, and around the other corner is the house of Jaime Wyeth, famous Maine watercolorist. It was near sunset, and the colors of autumn meeting the steely sky and ocean were overwhelming. Literally. It brought me to tears as I stopped dead in my tracks. How beautiful.

And the next couple days proceeded like that. We stayed there on Friday and Saturday nights, leaving on the 12:30 boat on Sunday. But it felt like a lot longer. I would love to have been there for a lot longer indeed. Fortunately, Monhegan is one of those places where a little bit of time is quite healing, and i don't leave feeling as though i wasn't there for long enough. I just appreciate every bit of being there.

Maybe it's that there's nothing else to do there, but everything feels so much better on Monhegan. Spend the days hiking the trails, but it's small enough to hike back to the house for lunch and dinner so you don't have to carry anything other than water and an extra layer for when it gets cold. Spend the evenings playing games and talking and going to bed early. There's literally nothing to do but to enjoy being there. Since I was physically removed from daily life, i didn't find myself thinking about future plans, or what i had to do or who i was going to try to see that day somehow (as is often the case when we go somewhere that there are many people whom we know and love) -- all we had to do was be there. All we had to do was enjoy eating the incredibly simply and yet somehow all-too-flavorful food. All we had to do was take in the views, revel in bouncing from rock to rock, revel in the contrast of fall colors, revel in the Fairy Forest and pause to make them a nice house. Nothing to do but be present.

When we got home last night, i caught myself rushing around. Why? It wasn't going to save me any time. I found myself habitually doing three things at the same time. (!!?!?) I might be the queen of multitasking, but that doesn't mean that i should be doing it in my spare time. I am making a point of doing one thing at a time right now in my spare time. I have been driving myself crazy, and now i'm going to have to spend $250 on a deep tissue massage to unwind the damage I have helped to do, totally unwittingly. I need to pay more attention!

Enough about that. Here are the pictures:

On that note, it's going to be a very busy few weeks, and I'll be off-the-radar.
  • Weekend of October 7, daN and i are going to Maine again for my Mum's wedding! YAY!
  • Weekend of October 14, some beloved Hampshire friends of mine are visiting, and we'll be going to Hampshire for bits of the alumni weekend.
  • Weekend of October 20, i'll be preparing for a big meeting that has been taking up all my time at work lately.
  • Weekend of October 27, no offense, i'll be introvert-ing pretty hardcore.
Please accept my apologies in advance. Even more noticeably than usual, i won't be reading or writing back to emails as much, nor will i be returning phone calls as much. I just can't right now. Usually, i'd get around to doing those things on weekends. During the weeknights, i'll be busy keeping the rest of my life running (cleaning, cooking, eating, and sleeping). Please don't take it personally when I don't get back to you, because I'm trying to be realistic here in admitting that it probably won't happen in a timely fashion.

OK -- that's long enough. I'm going to go shower and make some pie (not at the same time).

One thing at a time.