Wednesday, July 26, 2006

One for my baby, and one more for the road.

Lots of things going on in my head and outside of it lately. First off, daN and i had a houseful of guests this weekend. Here is a clip of what i sent to Mum:
"matt and his girlfriend jessica flew in on friday morning zak and mandi drove down from maine on friday night. we had dinner, played games, hung out, etc. on saturday morning, mark and stef drove down from new hampshire. fun ensued. mark, stef, zak, dan, and matt played magic the card game all day, and mandi, jessica, and i went to a yoga workshop in downtown boston at a studio i'm trying to get in with. it was an AMAZING workshop and was highly beneficial and fun. we met my friend ana there, too, and she came with us back to the house afterwards (we got back around 5pm). Q came down to hang out with everyone, and we
started thinking about how to feed people. lots of salad and take-out was involved. by the time everyone was fed, clean-up was done, etc, we walked to get ice cream at christina's (out FAVORITE ice cream place EVER) and then came back home. got home around 11, and zak and
mandi left to go back up to maine. yes, we sent them back with a whole bunch of coffee. they made it home safely. eventually, people went to sleep.

salad, homemade granola, yogurt, bacon, and english muffins to feed people. showers were had, and eventually matt, daN, and jessica piled off to go to the airport. jessica caught a plane back to DC, while the guys hung around for 10 minutes until kathy's plane flew in. meanwhile, stef and i were hanging out back here catching up hadn't gotten to talk at all since she'd gotten there on saturday morning), which was really lovely. eventually, the guys and kathy arrived, we all had lunch, and then mark and stef packed their stuff back up to head back to NH. at this point, the people who were NOW in our house (me, matt, kathy, and daN) were POOPED. kathy fell asleep on the futon, matt crashed on the floor, and daN and i chilled on the bed (incidentally, i didn't see much of daN this weekend either, but we'll hang out a lot quite soon -- next week he has off!). it was good to have quiet time! kathy wasn't feeling well, so the two of us walked up the hill to CVS to get her some benedryl, and she started feeling better. we also started thinking about dinner -- i made most of it, and it was much enjoyed! i made a roasted carrot sauce to go over rice, some aramanth greens (which were DELICIOUS!) lightly steamed with onions and olive oil, and matt and daN made up some pork chops. kal-el and gilly came over for dinner, too, and after dinner, we played a few board games (yay! i love board games!) we sent them home aorund 10:30, and daN and i were in bed just by midnight. WHEW. that was the weekend. this morning when daN went to work and i went to waltham to teach yoga (still no one there.. i'm giving it time), matt and kathy left for maine, and now i am home with an empty house for the first time since thursday. it's kinda nice. but it was really wonderful seeing everyone this weekend. i am truly blessed.
i love you, mum :)
sunday: we get up and putter around doing lazy morning stuff. fruit salad, homemade granola, yogurt, bacon, and english muffins to feed people. showers were had, and eventually matt, daN, and jessica piled off to go to the airport. jessica caught a plane back to DC, while
the guys hung around for 10 minutes until kathy's plane flew in. meanwhile, stef and i were hanging out back here catching up (we hadn't gotten to talk at all since she'd gotten there on saturday morning), which was really lovely. eventually, the guys and kathy
arrived, we all had lunch, and then mark and stef packed their stuff back up to head back to NH. at this point, the people who were NOW in our house (me, matt, kathy, and daN) were POOPED. kathy fell asleep on the futon, matt crashed on the floor, and daN and i chilled on the
bed (incidentally, i didn't see much of daN this weekend either, but we'll hang out a lot quite soon -- next week he has off!). it was good to have quiet time! kathy wasn't feeling well, so the two of us walked up the hill to CVS to get her some benedryl, and she started feeling better. we also started thinking about dinner -- i made most of it, and it was much enjoyed! i made a roasted carrot sauce to goover rice, some aramanth greens (which were DELICIOUS!) lightly
steamed with onions and olive oil, and matt and daN made up some pork chops. kal-el and gilly came over for dinner, too, and after dinner, we played a few board games (yay! i love board games!) we sent them home aorund 10:30, and daN and i were in bed just by midnight."

matt and kathy left the house on monday morning while daN and i were off at our respective work places. this was the EASIEST houseguest weekend i think we've hosted for a few reaons:
1. people were really good about helping with clean-up and dishes.
2. i did a lot of stuff throughout the day ahead of time, like prepping veggies for dinner, doing little loads of dishes myself, etc.
3. having people come with me to yoga helped, too.

Yoga business is going well. It's starting to culminate into something. I am afraid I might have to do a separate posting on that tomorrow though -- a lot to report on there.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Long Story Short ...

The following are chapter headings of what i need to write.

1. Philadelphia: a friends' wedding, seeing old friends, feeling old, and having a great time.

2. Classes at Churches: no one comes! I mean it.

3. Classes with existant client bases: They go well, and they are affirming. And they pay me to show up.

4. A Day Spent in Waltham: A Real Community with People Happy to Hang Up My Posters and Recommend Other Places to Do SO!

5. Marketing: Thinking about going in on an ad with other yoga teachers at the same church, or, We Hope People Show Up at this here Church location class.

And that about wraps it up, folks. I have to get ready for bed, because tomorrow I am going back into work at FM (for a couple of Fridays).

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Fourth of July and Self Employment

Just a quick note: Happy Fourth of July! While Jon, Judy, and Kal-El are watching fireworks, i sit at home, hot here, having showered, not, in fact, covered in sweat anymore, and NOT, most importantly NOT being hearded off the Esplanade like Jews into Auchwitz. At least, that's what i recall about last year. I had a wonderful time right up to trying to go home. So, this year, daN and i went and hung out for a few hours, and then we left around 8 or so when things were starting to gear up. I was going to try to hook up with other friends, but none are around at the moment, and i was just as happy to shower and sit around because i'm so beat.

Why am i so beat? Well, it turns out that i'm a mean boss! Yesterday i think i got heatstroke while i was postering in Central, Harvard, and Davis Squares. I was going to hand out flyers while on the Esplanade today, but i just couldn't do it. So, i placed the little quarter pagers strategically on the T instead. And, actually, a lady sitting down near where i was putting them up asked me if she could have one! I was very excited. I also saw that a couple of my tags were taken off flyers hanging in Davis, so that also gave me hope. Today i also found out that people work at the Improper Bostonian on the Fourth of July -- i placed a small line ad with them that will appear in the classifieds of the Boston's Best issue -- the biggest and most widely read. I also am seeing about getting the classes listed in the Body/Mind section of the Improper Bostonian. So i've been busy. I gave myself most of today and tonight off, though. But tomorrow, it's back to work. Whew!

I'm looking forward to this weekend -- one of my friends is getting married! So i'll be going to her wedding in Westchester, PA, flying in on Friday morning to spend the day helping out and hanging out, and then all day doing fun wedding things, and then on Saturday night late after the reception, i'll be going with another friend to see yet more friends! THEN, i fly back into Boston on Monday morning and prepare for my first class at Old South Church. Wee!

Lots of exciting things going on. But for now, i think i'm going to get ready for bed and then read my book for a while.