Sunday, May 02, 2004

Why Must it be So Bloody Humid?
The Fucking South

Business First I would first like to point out that i have changed a link or two -- Junglemate, having gone under, no longer offers not-half-bad free email. They offer what i am sure is great email through norada at a price, which i am not willing to go for. There are plenty other email places out there though. This all came as a great surprise to my poor mother, who is, she admits, a technophobe and computer illiterate. I have therefore removed the Junglemate link from the page, gods rest its soul. And for those of you who still have not heard enough from me about how crazy Hampshire (my alma mater) is, please check out its site, which is now linked here on my very own blog.

Pleasure second It's quite disgusting in North Carolina right now, and i know because i'm there. it's hot and terribly humid, and that's just unacceptable. I'm currently down here visiting my dear college friend Patty Oskar Miller (my prefered nickname for her), and it's so good to see her! I flew down on Friday -- i managed to take a couple days off from work, much to the chagrine of the corporately-inclined HR manager. Despite the heat, i'm having a blast, and one thing that is really nice is the opportunity to solidy relax. What else do you do when it's hot? I'm not looking forward to boston in the summertime, though Dan and i succumbed to reality and bought an air conditioner for our bedroom so we don't kill each other because of heat. It's for the relationship. i felt conflicted (we both did) because of the obvious environmental detriment it causes... but we don't use much heating feul, and so we rationalize it that way. it's for the relationship. neither of us does well in heat.

so yesterday patty, kat and i wandered around in downtown richmond, virginia, which is lovely! yes, kat is yet another college friend. richmond is but a couple hour drive from durham, so it was totally conceivable to do so. it was really great to be with kat yesterday and the night before. it was just like old times. if it weren't for it being in the south and therefore unbearable due to the heat, i would consider living there for a year. it's very nice, and one thing i love about it down here is that there is greenery EVERYWHERE. even the suburbs are pretty, and that's saying A LOT. (you all know what i think of suburbs.)

we drove back to durham last night and left kat, which was sad, but then patty and i went to an "end of the semester" party at one of her friend's houses. it was fun. there was some controversy going on about someone's drunk girlfriend hitting on everyone, but hey - people do silly things when they're drunk. we danced as much as we could, but it was SO FUCKING HOT. oh my god. it's so fucking hot down here.

otherwise, today we're going to hang out in chapel hill so she can show me the area, get some food, get some coffee, chill out. it will be great. it's really cool to see her again, and i am fortunate to have made such great friends at college. it's too bad we're so far apart.

On a final and unrelated note, i am considering also looking for jobs further on the outskirts of the boston area, possibly because they might be more worth it and slightly less competitive. what i really want to do is work at a coffee shop, but hey. i might put together a coffee guru resume and leave it at all the coffee shops i like in boston. what could it hurt?

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