Thursday, July 13, 2006

Long Story Short ...

The following are chapter headings of what i need to write.

1. Philadelphia: a friends' wedding, seeing old friends, feeling old, and having a great time.

2. Classes at Churches: no one comes! I mean it.

3. Classes with existant client bases: They go well, and they are affirming. And they pay me to show up.

4. A Day Spent in Waltham: A Real Community with People Happy to Hang Up My Posters and Recommend Other Places to Do SO!

5. Marketing: Thinking about going in on an ad with other yoga teachers at the same church, or, We Hope People Show Up at this here Church location class.

And that about wraps it up, folks. I have to get ready for bed, because tomorrow I am going back into work at FM (for a couple of Fridays).

1 comment:

MC, M.D. said...

I can hardly believe it! I stop reading your blog for...well....a long time, and all of a sudden you've got your Yoga certification and your own professional website!!!

Now we just have to figure out how many free sessions friends can get... 8)