Sunday, February 13, 2005


Ok, so maybe i've had a bit too much red wine, but i'm in a great mood. Yeah, i know i have to go back to work tomorrow, but i told the boss the other day everything that has been bothering me about the job recently, and it felt so great to get it off my chest. It's not in my hands anymore, and that is quite relieving.

Additionally, daN and i have had a wonderful weekend together. Yesterday, we had a lazy morning and then went to see "Meet the Faulkers," which wasn't nearly as painful as its predecessor. We both really enjoyed it, and it should go high on the list of "renters" to anyone who hasn't seen it yet. While we were in Davis Square, we found a place to eat called "The Blue Shirt Cafe" which has smoothies, wraps, sandwiches, and soups for entirely reasonable prices. It is excellent, and the combination of flavors they use is pleasing and unique. Then, we came home and cooked yummy noodles parmessan, and i read a chapter or so of "Wind in the Willows" to him while he doodled to stay awake (i have to knit while he reads to me so i can stay awake, too).

Today, we got up bright and early, despite my greatest efforts, and went downtown to Macy's to work on getting daN some polo shirts that will look nice on him when he goes to France (WOOO!) and to wear in general. No one was there to balk as i helped him figure out which one looked better on him in the fitting room, and he walked out with three new shirts that look handsome on him :)

We went to a tea party this afternoon at the home of his co-worker Sarah. The beginning was somewhat awkward, as we thought we were fashionably late but were actually quite early comparatively. But in the end, we had a great time, and we left when we got new-people'd out. So, we walked around the corner to Q's house! Yes, his co-worker literally lives within a block of Q. So we hopped over to visit her, and GOSH wasn't it refreshing to feel like we have mobility in this city!? (Can you tell i miss having a car?) Good visit, a walk to Davis Square that provided me with the much-desired exercise that i had lacked today, and we stopped at the Star Market at Porter Square on the ride home to pick up some last minute dinner stuff for the week.

What a great weekend. Tonite, we both needed to chill, hence the red wine. But all i have to say is, ONE WEEK TO PARIS, BABY! ONE WEEK!!!

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