Thursday, October 13, 2005

Technical Update

I added things! Check out the new "Featured Articles" section where i provide links to articles that i find poignant, amusing, just plain cool, or a combination of the three. I also ripped off Sabrefencer's "Current Addictions" idea, but i didn't call it that. Hope you like it. If you don't, to hell with you.


Anonymous said...

I like the new "Current Unwatched Netflix Movie" section, as it allows you, the readers "out there" in the inter-space to join me as I wait, with jaw drippingly ajar, wondering when oh when we will finally dig our way deep enough into the queue that I can finally see a decent movie. Oh, the dripping wonder and suspense!

Melissa McCue-McGrath, CPDT-KA said...

Nice work, lady!

The ultimate flattery :)