Tuesday, December 06, 2005

For the love of blog

The following is an email that i wrote on Monday morning. It pretty much sums things up. The one thing i left out that is absolutely thrilling is that on Saturday, daN and i got a Christmas tree! I love it! It's probably at least seven and a half feet tall and 5 feet wide, and it's beautiful and makes me smile every time i look at it. It didn't start getting decorated until last night, though, because it was very cold ...

"I thought mercury retrograde was going alright for me. There have been plenty of challenges, one of them being that things are cooking up and getting harder at work, but other doors are opening for me, and I am certainly doing well on the yoga application process. I wrote it up last night, including four single-spaced pages in size 11 times new roman answering the questions “Provide a full description of your daily asana,” “what does yoga mean to you? how has it changed over the course of your involvement,” “why do you want to become a certified teacher at this point in your life?” and “why do you want to become specifically Kripalu yoga certified? What are your favorite things about Kripalu yoga?” I actually had a great time just sitting there on the futon with my laptop under a blanket typing away, really pondering these questions and taking time to answer them. I am happy with it.

However, other challenges presented that could have knocked me off my track: we lost out heat sometime very early on Sunday morning. OY. Yes, we woke up, thought it was quite cold, turned on the heat as usual, and…. Nothing happened. Nothing continued to happen for about an hour. We called the landlords, and they weren’t home. We called NStar, who we THOUGHT provided out heat… and they don’t. We knew that we had to wait for the landlords to get home for some answers, so we entertained ourselves. Fortunately, we still had hot water, because that’s run off gas provided by Nstar – who also provides our electricity, so we could still take a rather long hot shower to warm up. Then, I went to the GAP with Q, where I had a 30% off the entire purchase coupon. I paid for Q’s so she could get the discount, too. I put $117 on my card (including Q’s) out of which I bought a new skirt, two turtleneck sweaters, and a pair of jeans, and she got two lambswool sweaters, a pair of dress pants, and a sweater for her brother. None too shabby! I was happy. I’m wearing the new knee-length a-line brown cordouroy skirt and the white turtleneck sweater today with some knee-high brown boots, and I look fabulous!

After the GAP, I went home, picked up daN and met aria, and the three of us went out for Sushi, though daN did not have sushi and pretended not to be there (he just wanted to read somewhere warm, so he came along), and Ar and I had a great time catching up. Eventually, it was time to go home. We stayed there for a good long time, though, and it was so relaxing and a great restaurant. The landlord got home the same time we did, and she informed us that we are in fact on oil heat, so it looks like daN and I are going to have to cough up the money to fill the tank that heats just our apartment. OY. That’s gonna hurt. Well, that’s what the LLBean credit card is for. Low interest rate, and we earn Bean dollars. Could be worse just before Christmas. So anyway, daN went to go catch a movie, while I sat in the living room with the sliding doors closed and two spaces heaters – one that the landlord brought down, and one that Q brought over. It’s so nice to have people around who care about us! I toastilly worked on my yoga application until daN got home, and had some pineapple and tea for dinner around 10:30.

All in all, it could have been worse. I am not looking forward to the heating bill… but I guess that’s part of growing up. It’s just tough that we didn’t expect it, and daN and I are not altogether sure that the landlord told us about that."

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