Friday, December 09, 2005

Headline: "I GOT IN!"

Today when i got home from work and checked my email, i found an acceptance letter from Kripalu! YAY!!! i'm registered for the 3x9 format -- 9 days at the beginning of Feb, 9 in the middle of March, and 9 at the end of April. Woohoo! That was good news to end a good but hard week. After not having heat and then having a breakdown in the middle of the week because of having too much on my plate (mostlyl good things, but i overstuffed myself), i was fabulously excited to get that email. I'd say something like, "now i know i'm getting somewhere." But that would be inaccurate -- with this, i've known from the get-go that i'm getting somewhere. It's so nice that the universe is helping me along.


Melissa McCue-McGrath, CPDT-KA said...

I am the universe. I'm patting you on the head. *pat. pat. pat.*

Sorry. As the universe, I have rather large hands. Take some Ibuprofen and I promise the swelling will go down and the headache will subside. I'll also slip a $20 in your favorite jeans when you're not looking.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS Lindz! What a great thing to happen! We all knew you could do it! :) What SPECIAL news to receive just days before your birthday!!! :)

Love, Lee :)

Lyrica said...


Lindz, when you get certified I really want to come and be your student. I know you're going to be a fantastic instructor. I'm so glad this is working out!