Sunday, January 08, 2006

Brevity is a Virtue

As i sit here on this Sunday morning while our guests are sleeping, i type on my laptop at the dining room table (as they are sleeping in the living room where my desk resides) and i caught by the quiet beauty of the snow falling outside. I am drinking some delicious unsweetened chai, trying to get the stuff in my sinuses running again (i might want to try Patty's netipot sometime today), and i am in yoga clothes for when my stomach thinks that it can do yoga (i recently ate). Patty and Drew are here this weekend, which has been good and hard, but in a good way. The hard part is trying to find an apartment for her, which would be a lot easier if she weren't relocating. We all know how hard it is to find an apartment when you don't actually LIVE in the place. Anyone looking for a roommate somewhere near the T or a good busline?

At any rate, about returning to work this week, it wasn't as hard as i thought it would be, which is saying a lot coming from someone who had been in Maine for 9 or 10 days.

About yoga, i called a studio called Art and Soul where they do primarily Iyengar yoga, and i will be having tea and talking with the owner of the studio about "my options" for becoming a yoga teacher in a studio. I'd rather be in a studio environment, at least from the get-go, so that i can continue learning more challenges from teachers more experienced than myself. I'll then be going to one of her classes for free so i can experience some Iyengar yoga for myself. She's being really accommodating about the whole thing, and i'm quite looking forward to it. I got into the Kripalu Center and got the time off, but there's more to becoming a yoga teacher than that. I'm working on step two.

Otherwise, i want to enjoy walking in the snow today and looking at things, so i'm wondering where we should do that. I hope it's warmer today than yesterday.


Lyrica said...

Mmmmm. Snow and contemplation. That sounds like a wonderful morning. It has been rather warm here, which is good because it allows outdoor frisbee and bad because it lacks contemplative snowscapes such as those you mentioned. I went to yoga this week for the first time in years - once you become an instructor, I'm looking forward to coming to class sometimes...

Anonymous said...

I haven't posted a comment for you in so long! That's probably because I've been busy and haven't had a chance to sit down and read your blog! I have to tell you that, when I do, I feel so comfy! It's relaxing and entertaining and it makes me feel like we're snuggling!

AND! I'm getting into yoga! AND, I've been looking into a weekend retreat to do on my own and found myself at the Kripalu website! I'll keep you posted on where I end up for my Michelley weekend!