Friday, January 19, 2007

Well Enough to be Pissed about Being Sick

The past few days have been kind of a blurry haze, or a hazy blur. Whichever you prefer. For the first time since my sinus surgery over two years ago, i am actually sick. I have to say -- i have a gosh darned good immune system. For the first time in recent history, my immune system actually gave into a nasty cold that's been going around. Literally everyone at work has had it, and the symptoms include but are not limited to: sneezing, coughing, bleary eyes, post-nasal drip down the back of the throat, sore throat, very woozy, achy bones and muscles.

I am finally to the point where i am completely bored lying around all the time, but being upright is still admittedly a challenge. Lying there in bed this morning, i was feeling fully prepared to conquer the world and go to work afterwards. After about 20 minutes of behaving as though i were going to work, i was zonked and achy again. I learned my lesson.

So here i am with all this schpilkis. Fortunately, i seem to get tuckered out by simple tasks like making tea and damp-clothing some dust off the furniture, so i'm not feeling too under exercised. That's how i know i must still be sick. Usually by this point, after three days at home, i'd be ready to blow holes in the walls and create a complicated obstacle course involving hair i'd removed from the drain pipe in the tub, but all i am is kinda bored. I'm just tired of being sick. Email me!

I guess i'll watch "American Pie 2," which i've been borrowing from a friend for about two years, and perhaps i'll knit. Sounds like a day.

1 comment:

Lyrica said...

Aw, Lindz! I hope you feel better soon! Colds and flus are quite horrid.