Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Note on My Schedule: An interchange:

A dear friend: "Dear Lindz, I was very happy to see you this weekend. Are you heading back towards a more sane organization of your time? I hope so.

myself: " :) i hope so. thanks for the note. yes, i believe i am. just when
i was considering taking the director of the company christmas show
show up on her offer to having me drastically cut down on my rehearsal
schedule and still be in the show (but still be there all 5 days in
production week -- very reasonable), i caught the cold that's been
going around. so i guess my body is helping me to keep in check. so,
i have politely backed out of the show, which should help :) i have
to laugh at how attached i am to what i percieve to be obligations.

much much love, lindz"

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