Sunday, May 15, 2005

We Bought a Car!

Yesterday daN and i embarked upon a whole new phase in our lives. We bought a new car together. Yes, we put our names on a finance plan that will come out to around twenty grand over a period of five years, which isn't that long, if you think about it. Whew! The process took longer than i thought it would, and there were some unexpected expenses (things i didn't think of when i was budgeting) like sales tax, various extended warrantees and stuff that i refuse to go without when getting something that huge and expensive. So, together, we'll be able to manage it well.

The car is kinda funny-looking, but i have to say, it handles really well. The wheelbase is broad and allows for maximum control of the vehicle, and inside it is as spacious as a mini-van. The seats fold down so that if you have to move something large-ish, it won't be an issue. Also, as an added bonus, the cd player in the car is also an mp3 player -- very cool. We have a bunch of mp3 cd's, so it's nice to know those won't go to waste. This car also gets 38 miles/gallon on the highway and 25 in the city, which is HOT. That's the first thing that attracted me to this car. Also, even though it's not 4 wheel drive like i was originally looking for in a vehicle, it is front-wheel drive (easier to manage in a snowstorm) and has traction control. I'm excited.

So. daN and i are going to pick it up next week sometime. We're trying to think of a name for it. Since we haven't met it yet, we don't know if it's a guy or a girl, but it sort of looks like Mr. Bean. Any suggestions? That's what the comments section is for.

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