Thursday, May 12, 2005

Week Two: 80% Completion

The job is going well. I have had ups and downs about it emotionally because it's not as if i've found anyone i really "click" with yet to hang out with or anything, but i did get to talking with a chick today who was going to eat at a French restaurant that just opened up in Kenmore Square. Sounds good to me! But she reached out to tell me that, which made me feel really good.

The other thing i realized recently is that this job is going to be a good lesson for me in working at a company that i don't necessarily believe in. For quite a few years, i've had the luxury of working at a place i sincerely believed in, whose mission was completely in corcondance with mine own. This place? Eh. Not so much. But it's not bad. It's performing a necessity, and it's not a pretty part of society, but society would sure be a lot uglier if student loans didn't exist.

ANyway...Week 1 was a lot of meetings and orienting myself with the company. Week two has been much better, as i've actually started doing things. Being productive always makes me feel better. And most of it's pretty menial, but you know what? I like that sort of thing. I also got to set up for a fascination conference on college admission processes and enrollment management and stuff like that. It was completely enthralling! I've always had a fascination with the admissions process. There were all kinds of interesting factors i won't get into, but had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I got to set up for it, and help the speaker, and then be there. It was a very cool experience. So, First Marblehead has given me some food for thought already.

And i've started going to the gym in the morning! It's AWESOME. I love ellipticals! They're the BEST. It's like i can run without actually putting more impact on my knees! However, they're still bothering me a lot anyway because of all the carrying heavy things i've been doing recently. That's why i finally got some weights for my physical therapy and an adjustable wrap-able cold pack to put around my knee.

So because of going to the gym in the morning, i'm very tired. Especially since i haven't managed to get to bed earlier... yeahhhh... last week i was allergy-ridden the whole time, and i emerged from it victoriously. Oddly, a weekend in Maine seemed to help my allergies, which is not usually what happens. Maybe it's because it was raining and i was inside the whole time. Hmm.

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