Monday, June 19, 2006


I am glowing with joy from the sheer amount of sun i have had for the past few days. I have slept wonderfully, hearing the sounds of the ocean right outside the window, without a constant buzz. I climbed rocks, scaled down sides of small cliffs, bounced around on mossy hillicks in the forest, skipped around faerie houses, dodged low-hanging branches, leapt from dry spots to rolling logs sinking in swamps and back onto dry spots until making my way out of marshes, doing yoga on the grass, hearing no car sounds, felt the ocean breeze on my skin, and above all, enjoyed beloved company on Monhegan Island. The Bogs have a house out there, and to my great fortune, daN and i were able to join them this weekend and only this weekend before the summer renters arrive (so the Bogs can afford to keep the house). It was, without a doubt, magic. I feel so lucky. And a few shades darker.

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