Saturday, December 20, 2003

After i have had a good night's sleep:

There are two showers in this apartment. Rockin', right? One would think. However, they are two of the most inferior showers i have ever encountered in my nigh quarter of a century long life. The shower next to my room is great! It's a full shower with enough power to rinse most of the shampoo out of my formidable hair. I love it. Except for the part where disgusting filth from however-many-years-ago backs out from the pipes into the shower, not only preventing it from draining, but adding to it with its smelly filth! The landlord insists that this was the fault of the past tenants from not cleaning the hair out of their drains properly. OK, fine. But that's not what it smells like, and it's certainly not OUR fault. So today i go take shower in the other shower, which is a stand-up shower with not as much power as the other. But i figured it was worth it not to wade in stench in the other one. Welllllll, not so sure. I was almost more miserable in the stand-up, not because i didn't have enough space, but simply because i'm not tall enough for the water coming out of the showerhead to actually rinse any of me off! It gets my head real good, which is just spectacular when you're trying to keep it dry. So i'm standing there trying to encourage the water on my stomach to, perhaps, make it way down to the lower half of my body, if it's not too inconvenient...but if not, well, it wasn't that important to me anyway... not really. Just some suds and dry skin, that's all. Ok, i'll just try to flick the water onto that big spot of soap over there... oh, this sucks.

Tomorrow i think i might suggest to the landlady that she gets around to fixing our pipes.

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