Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Court Appeal

I suppose there are more exciting things in life than going to appeal a 4 month old parking violation at the courthouse that is literally up the street (i'm going to walk there in less time that it takes to take a crap), but i'm pretty damned nervous. I've never done this sort of thing before, and i assume they're not going to let me off the hook. The violation is true: i had expired registration when i was parked in resident parking only. But i was waiting for the American Lung Association to get ahold of me, so what was i supposed to do? I ended up, as some of you may well know, giving it to one of the guys who worked at the place to where my car was towed, and i might not have done that if i didn't think it was a stupid idea to wait for the American Lung Association to get back to me. Not to say that it's not a good program, but a word to the wise: don't do it unless you have a parking space. They take a while.

So i'll let you know how it goes. I figured the worst thing that could happen was that i'd have to pay the dang fine in March instead of at Christmas, which in retrospect, was still a good idea, though i'm certainly hoping i can keep the hundred bucks, or that they're automatically dock it by half. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Lyrica said...

Good luck, Lindz! I hope they treat you well up there at the court house. I always regretted not going to court about my one and only speeding ticket, but it was tricky since I was off in Ohio. Ah well. It seems that your good intentions should merit monetary reward, not evil parking tickets.