Sunday, March 19, 2006

At Kripalu. Again.

Just a quick note to mention that i'm back at Kripalu. Instead of rewriting what i just wrote in a big email, i'll post and add.

i'm so happy to be back here at kripalu. it's wonderful being back with this group of fellow trainees, and i've been lucky to end up in the same room i had last time with almost the same set of women (minus one) -- it made for a lot more comfort. daN was a big sweetie and brought me out here on st. patrick... i mean, EVACUATION DAY, so it was so nice first of all to get an extra day with him that no one else had, and second of all that i was able to arrive in a much more comfortable and shorter period of time.

this session is all about the asanas (postures) and it's been so much fun working in so much detail on asana. i feel like time is flying by already! is this the second full day i've been here? already?

wednesday will be a new experience -- we are all taking a vow of silence for the whole day, eating lightly, and will be doing sadana (practice ) all day. i am so thrilled to have this opportunity. how often can people go somewhere and actually BE ABLE to not talk the entire day and have it be OK without having to be rude. i will be wearing a tag that says "in loving silence" and we'll see how it goes. i'm looking forward to it.

otherwise, life here is wonderful as usual. the food continues to be incredible (i bought the cookbook!) and we all continue to try to practice brahmacharya (moderation) and tapas (discipline) while we attempt not to stuff ourselves silly with the amazing food.

i guess it's time to go, because i am getting sleepy, and waking up at 5:30 was a lot easier when i went to bed at 10 than it was when i went to bed at 11:15.

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