Friday, March 10, 2006

Friday Night

Laura and Dave just came over for dinner, and it was a lot of fun. I felt like i was in a neighborhood, because they live close by and walked here (we drove them back) and Q stopped by while she was walking her doggies because she wanted to see my highlights. Wee! By the way, i got highlights! They're REALLY light. I hated them for the first couple days, but now i'm starting to get used to it, liking it, and am no longer shocked when i look in the mirror.

In other news, the preschool teachers at the Harvard Business School like me and want me to teach them yoga! For a few weeks until the end of semester, anyway :)

Life is good. I go back to Kripalu next Friday, St. Patrick's Day, to continue my training, and i'm really looking forward to it. The pace of life recently has been hard for me to keep up with, and general exhaustion has been the cause of several difficulties of mine of late, among them, irritability, low immune system, weird digestive issues, etc. Ah well. I'm actually starting to contemplate the benefits of having a food allergy test once and for all. I'm DEFINITELY contemplating colonics.

But that's it from here. I can hear daN getting ready for bed in the bathroom, and that just trigored a pretty strong "bed" reflex in me. Mmm. Sleep.

1 comment:

Melissa McCue-McGrath, CPDT-KA said...

hehe- bed reflex.... hehe...

sorry, i'm being immature.


anyway, i think your highlights are beautious. i love them.

i also love you, but that's besides the point.